It’s important to understand what we as an organization stand for and what exactly is it that we offer here at LTF.  As a team, we have developed some Frequently Asked Questions that may help with understanding The Living Tree Organization better.

What is the purpose of the organization?

-LTF seeks to provide assistance to select organizations that are committed to providing for the needs of combat veterans, currently military service personnel as well as families in dire straits.

Is there a mission statement? What is it?

LTF strives to provide a helping hand whenever it is needed mostly to the people who need the most.

What groups of people does this organization serve?

While our organization’s mission is to provide assistance to all who need assistance, we estimate that 90% of our assistance is Veteran based.

What social problems does this organization address or help to remedy?

-LTF prides itself in offering Veterans the resources needed to a quick, easy and effective transition from active duty civilian life.

What are the roles of members of this organization?

-We have one part-time paid Project Manager. The role of the Project Manager is to seek out veterans and individuals that can benefit from the partnering organizations that LTF is in partnership with.

What are the responsibilities of members this organization?

Each member is responsible for continuous growth and effective building of  LTF.

How important are volunteers to this organization?

Volunteers are essential to the on-going building of LTF. Our goal at LTF is to expand our resources as well as those we assist by minimum of 65% in the next quarter. This goal will not be accomplished without the help of our volunteers.

Does this organizations collaborate with similar organizations on a local, regional, or national level?

We partner with numerous Veteran based and community networking organizations on all levels.

What are the main obstacles that inhibit the fulfillment of the mission?

We are a “grass roots” organizations. We operate with little overhead and with minimum support staff.  This concept reduces internal inefficiencies that can delay or even hinder our goals.

What are the organization’s annual goals, need, and results?

As of now, LTF annual goal is to assist 450 veterans with job placement, transition from active duty to civilian life in a most effective and efficient way possible. To accomplish our goal, we will work diligently to seek out individuals and veterans that are in need.

How is this organization funded?

LTF is predominately privately funded. Additionally, we are currently working on numerous grants from various companies and organizations.

Have a great Tuesday!

Written by: Alyssa Portillo

Questions answered by: Julie Garcia 


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